
Beewise Blog
2 min readSep 16, 2019


We all remember our…graduations. We just had another one: MassChallenge. For those of you who are not familiar, MassChallenge is between an accelerator and an incubator. They take you on a discovery journey to help you discover….you. The format of the program is competitive, so there are winners at the end, who do get to pick up a monetary prize. And the best part is: it is non-dilutive. You see, MC are a non-profit organization. This makes them a perfect partner for companies that wish to get the accelerator’ benefits without coughing up the equity. Especially when the program is an excellent one, with great mentors, amazing investors and a highly-motivated, super-dedicated professional team running it. ~500 applied, ~50 got in and 5 won. We were among all three groups. Our first trophy in the cabinet, and we’re working hard to ensure many more will come.

Special thanks to the entire MC team for a professional, perfectly-run, and super-fun program. Special kudos to the Roadshow team who took the finalists on a one-week East Coast roadshow with mentors, investors, and influencers and just gave us a week for the books.

We’re now formal fans of the MC program and the staff that run the show.

